نرجو منكم الالتزام بالتعليمات والإجراءات المتبعة لتفادي انتقال عدوى فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-١٩)، وفقاً للأنظمة والتعليمات المعمول بها في منافذ السلطنة الجوية، ومتابعة المستجد في هذا الخصوص عبر الحساب الرسمي لوزارة الصحة - سلطنة عُمان.
حفظكم الله من كل مكروه.
Dear travelers,
We kindly request you to adhere to the necessary regulations and codes of practice to curb the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) as per the directives and measures applied across the Sultanate’s airports, and to follow the official account of the Ministry of Health – Sultanate of Oman for the latest updates in this regard.
In October 2023, Oman Airports launched their Sawaeed safety campaign for a five-day period, in cooperation with the strategic partners. The campaign’s aim was to enhance the culture of safety in the workplace, and to encourage employees to rep..
Sunday, 24 September 2023, Oman Airports, Riyadh: In a ground-breaking step that affirms the growing spirit of cooperation within the aviation and logistics industry in the GCC countries, Oman Airports and the Saudi Arabian firm Matarat Holding Compa..
In their in ongoing effort to provide the best services and urgent medical care for passengers with extreme medical emergencies, Oman Airports recently signed an agreement with KIMS Hospitals Group to provide medical care services for Muscat Internat..
Salalah – Oman Airports: Salalah Airport succeeded in recovering its growth numbers to those experienced prior to the covid-19 pandemic, and also those experienced before 2019. The airport recorded a full recovery from the pandemic’s impa..
Salalah – Oman Airports: Today, Thursday, September 7, 2023, Salalah Airport successfully experienced the launch of the test flight for the first handling and cargo service. The service links Salalah Airport, one of the most prominent and renow..
Salalah – Oman Airports: Accompanied by a beautiful Dhofar 2023 Khareef season breeze, the first flight of the Saudi Arabian airline Flynas landed at Salalah Airport in the Sultanate of Oman’s Dhofar Governorate, on Saturday morning, 24 J..