نرجو منكم الالتزام بالتعليمات والإجراءات المتبعة لتفادي انتقال عدوى فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-١٩)، وفقاً للأنظمة والتعليمات المعمول بها في منافذ السلطنة الجوية، ومتابعة المستجد في هذا الخصوص عبر الحساب الرسمي لوزارة الصحة - سلطنة عُمان.
حفظكم الله من كل مكروه.
Dear travelers,
We kindly request you to adhere to the necessary regulations and codes of practice to curb the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) as per the directives and measures applied across the Sultanate’s airports, and to follow the official account of the Ministry of Health – Sultanate of Oman for the latest updates in this regard.
Oman Airports, Sultanate of Oman: Oman Airports participation in the 2024 ITB Berlin convention from 5 – 7 March forms a highlight for the Sultanate of Oman, as the country proudly stands as an official partner and guest of this prestigious int..
Oman Airports has signed a partnership program with Sultan Qaboos University to organize joint visits and conferences, and to conduct joint research, development and innovation in areas of common interest between the two institutions.
The partners..
The air cargo terminal at Salalah Airport has made unprecedented progress in their cargo handling records during January 2024. Recorded data indicated a significant surge in numbers, which exceed by 310% those of the same period last year (and also h..
Oman Airports has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Warsaw Chopin Airport in Poland to explore opportunities for enhancing air connectivity between the Sultanate of Oman and Poland, and to expand areas of cooperation to increase commerc..
Muscat, Oman – Oman Airports: The CEO of Oman Airports, Sheikh Ayman bin Ahmed Al Hosni, has congratulated all employees and strategic partners for the successes achieved by Oman Airports throughout the 2023 year.
The CEO’s announcemen..
Muscat International Airport – celebrated as the “Gateway to Beauty & Opportunity” in the Sultanate of Oman – has been ranked in first place in the Air Help Global Airports Ranking for 2023, which takes into account the ai..