نرجو منكم الالتزام بالتعليمات والإجراءات المتبعة لتفادي انتقال عدوى فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-١٩)، وفقاً للأنظمة والتعليمات المعمول بها في منافذ السلطنة الجوية، ومتابعة المستجد في هذا الخصوص عبر الحساب الرسمي لوزارة الصحة - سلطنة عُمان.
حفظكم الله من كل مكروه.
Dear travelers,
We kindly request you to adhere to the necessary regulations and codes of practice to curb the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) as per the directives and measures applied across the Sultanate’s airports, and to follow the official account of the Ministry of Health – Sultanate of Oman for the latest updates in this regard.
On Thursday, 4 November 2021, Sohar Airports received its first flight of Fly Dubai, the low-cost economic airline in the United Arab Emirates and launched the direct line between Sohar and Dubai International Airport at the rate of two flights p..
Muscat International Airport welcomes the first flight of Swiss Edelweiss Airline on the direct route between Muscat International Airport and Zurich International Airport with two weekly flight Tuesday and Friday. The flight was greeted with con..
Muscat International Airports welcomes with water sprays salute today morning 31st October 2021 the first flight for Wizz Air Abu Dhabi, a low-cost airline based in the United Arabs Emirates. By this route, Muscat became the second destination in Wiz..
As part of Oman Airports’ constant efforts to promote and expand the scope of the direct international routes between the Sultanate’s airports and world capital cities through major global airlines, Muscat International Airports welcomed ..
by the Corporate Communication and External Affairs Department and in collaboration with TRANSOM Handling and TRANSOM Sats Cargo organized a voluntary campaign to stand by those affected by Shaheen Cyclone. The campaign was organized to help pe..
In commitment to pursue devoting work to enhance air traffic in the Sultanate’s civil airports, supervised by Oman Airports, after the restrictions imposed under the Covid-19 pandemic, the efforts of the specialized team at Oman Airports succee..